Thursday, December 24, 2009

Thai Food Christmas Eve (A poem by Cathy Gruman)

Thai food Christmas (cgruman
lights shine brightly
flickering lightly
the windows reflecting
the silhouettes inside
audible chatters
dishes clatter
and a car streams quietly by
music flowing through my headphones
of favorite artists I revere
a dog barks
and a dark shadow of a man slithers in front of me
crossing the street my heart skips a beat
then he walked up the stairs for his family to greet
Christmas trees lit
flat screens bright
a woman walks to her front door
we smile mouthing the word "hello"
Miko sings
my heart rings
almost home
move my car
avoid a ticket
Christmas day?
this is LB
...that's what I say
in the door
endorphines high
my eldest son will soon be here
we'll celebrate Christmas Eve cheer
stomach growling
spirits high
walk through that door, son
let's order some Thai.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"For every man..." Huxley

"For every man the world is as fresh as it was the first day, and as full of untold novelties for him who has the eyes to see them." Huxley

Monday, December 14, 2009

Controlled Chaos (a Poem by Cathy Gruman)

meet me on the corner
by the house with the garden full of controlled chaos
orange, purple, yellow, blue and red
green and white
dirt and water
pebbles strewn
a garden shovel sticks out' the ground
weeds that threaten, not to destroy
but symbols of the wholeness path
keep the weeds as a sign
remembering when but not again
and now the chaotic garden
possessing more beauty
than the weeds could possibly have done to overcome it.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Trade As One (a fair trade shopping link)

A great way to shop for you friends and family this holiday while helping others around the world...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

No Parking (a Poem by Cathy Gruman)

No parking on the dancefloor
la la la la
ya ya ya ya
have some fun
all can come.
No parking in the church parking lot
violators will be prosecuted
private property
car will be towed
but on Sundays we will park in your spot
and take over the neighborhood
and you shall park blocks away from your door
and don't forget our
neighborly slogan
that you shall be prosecuted
'cuz we don't share
or care that during the week
our lot is empty
an acre of empty pavement
while you seek and seek
and get tickets when you can't find a spot
but we don't care 'cuz we don't share
love your neighbor as yourself does not apply here.