Friday, January 29, 2010

On "Purpose" (A Poem by Cathy Gruman)

His will
my will
where will i be tomorrow?
Everything i am is thine.
If i say no
will you say yes
should i go
should i stay
if i take that step today
will you stop me
for my sake
or yours,
or his or hers or theirs?
Can i depend on you
and you alone;
and should i pick up that stone that was just thrown
or leave it be, silently.
Every now and then i hear your voice;
it's in my heart
and it's my choice.
Some will say to do this or that
they see my life from where they're at
pretending not to hurt or cry
everything's fine,
they won't whine
because if they show some fear or weakness
perhaps the truth might hurt and they will be found out;
so a smile they keep
pretending along
singing and dancing the same boring song -
"How are you?" "Oh, I'm great, thanks!"
"I am this and I am that"
But, could revealing pain and shame bring possible triumph
in this walk through hills, valleys, walls, fences and windows without a frame?
Does a soft petal have the same impact as a "bull in a china shop?"
Now back to You from that aside.
Occasional hurt is fine, i say
as long as you pick me up even when I do not pray,
and there is a purpose for everything under the sun;
it's what you've said
and what you meant -
to some absurb
but others peace,
and knowing that if i go this way or that
with a soft and open heart
i will find my way
as long as of you I am part.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sea of Faces (a Poem by Cathy Gruman)

a sea of faces in this room
taken aback as i see a similarity between them and me
beyond their hair and makeup
their coats and hats and trendy shoes
with no gratuitous smiles
because they know it's what's inside that counts;
if they keep going, victory is near
lay it on the table
without fear
a beautiful sea of faces
glowing truths preside
as all their fears begin to subside.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

"A Side of Humankind" (A poem by Cathy Gruman)

he learned a new side of people this day
when he was walking to the dime store with his ten cents
a kite he was going to buy
to take it out and fly
he was seven
off he went to get his kite
the kite he grabbed
the merchant paid
and he headed out the door
across the way a bully stood
and eyed this little boy
walking innocently
ready to go out and fly.
And as the bully crossed the street
the youngster had no fear
because up until this moment
he had only good people near
love and security are what he'd known
so his instincts were properly shown
the bully grabbed his kite and broke it in half across his knee
just laughed and walked away
as his eyes welled up
the tears began to flow
the shock kicked in as he lost his innocent glow
he never knew until this day
that there was more to life than play
some people laugh, some cry
some things are happy, sometimes sad
he had even seen his dad mad;
these things he knew
they were familiar,
but in this moment
all he felt was why.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I'll be back soon

Hi all, I'm stuck .... can't seem to get those words out. hmmmmmm..... i'll say something soon.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

What Can I Say? (A Poem by Cathy Gruman)

I heard that you said that I said something about you.
Since I'm not sure if it's true, there's nothing I can say
or is there?
I think it's best to leave it alone
let it work itself out
Maybe one day you'll see
that you shouldn't have listened
to the person who spoke of me
that I am still me
the one you know
who wouldn't throw that stone at you
but maybe a ball of snow
if this were Colorado or Idaho
'cuz what can I say
except stop it now
I wouldn't say something to hurt you
don't you know?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy Twenty Ten

Happy Twenty-Ten everyone. I sort of slowed down with daisycurtains the last couple of months of 2009, but am looking forward to picking up my pace again as we enter into a new year. I'm not good at new year's resolutions, but I am good at hoping and dreaming, so I HOPE I can pick up the pace and get back to daily writing. Oh come on Cate, you know better than that. I need to commit myself to the task in order to make it happen, not merely hoping and dreaming that my hands will end up on my laptop everyday producing words. I'm psyching myself up, mulling the words around in my head, thinking of themes, drawing from inspiration and experiences, forgiving past hurts, looking forward to the future, clearing my head and my brain, getting closer to sitting down to write my next poem. But not just yet. I can say, however, with determination and commitment, that before I go to bed tonight, I will write at least four lines. Meanwhile, thank you for visiting, and have a wonderful first day of 2010. Best! Cate