Monday, October 26, 2009

Rocking It Loud (A Poem by Cathy Gruman)

I was puttering around the house one day listening to a Tina Turner CD. She sounded so amazing and was so uplifting that it inspired me to write this poem about her and other women that I admire.

Tina Turner rocks it loud
and makes music with the crowd.
Merchant sings melodically
and takes her point to the unth degree.
Cowboy Junkies softly bring
you and me together with subtlety.
And we move on from our past,
the stains remain but the hope lasts.
Some rock, some talk, some sing,
some give away their hearts
holding hands of little ones
that only love can bring.
Zoie girls sing their praises
looking pretty and bringing it real
making their points to heal.
Dollie Parton in all her glory
has humility.
She brings it on with her voice
and her smile illuminates her space.
Audrey Hepburn, what a lady.
She danced, she sang
she lit up the screen,
though in her early years
she lived the horror of 1943.
She did what she could to stay alive
and miraculously she survived.
Her life moved on to Hollywood
it brought her fame,
not her heart though,
just opportunity.
Her life ended in the arms of starving children
unlike you and me.
And we move on from our past
the stains remain, but the hope lasts.
Some rock, some talk, some sing.
Some give away their hearts
holding hands of little ones
that only love can bring.
We do, we talk, we dance, we sing,
we act, we work, we play
and eventually our hearts lead us to where we need to be.

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